Dental Practices
How We Can Help the Dental Practice Industry Save Money
If your dental practice develops new techniques, improves procedures, or resolves unique patient dental issues, then you may qualify for the lucrative R&D tax credit. To make qualifying even simpler, none of these innovations or advancements must be new to the dentistry sector; rather, the activities must be new to your practice. Businesses in the dental practice industry must be actively creating new technologies or processes to be eligible, as opposed to merely implementing or using them.
If you think your dental practice may qualify, contact us now and let us start an assessment to evaluate your eligibility.
Recent Dental Practices Blog Posts

How a Dental Practice Might Qualify for R&D Tax Credits
Most companies assume that the R&D Tax Credit is only for a certain type of research and development, such as work done in a lab or in a factory. In reality, any company that develops or improves products, processes, techniques, formulas, or software may qualify....